Thursday, October 1, 2015

How to Effectively Teach Your Employees Food Safety

Food handling is very important in a restaurant setting . If someone gets sick for eating your product in your restaurant it could be the restaurant nightmare scenario. No one wants to be responsible for causing ill to a customer from incorrectly handling food.
The reputation of the restaurant is one of its most valuable assets, not to mention the possibility of being confronted with a lawsuit from a customer for causing him food poisoning could bring your whole customer loyalty and business to the ground, causing you to shut down.

To avoid this scenario it is of utmost important for the whole staff in the restaurant to learn and practice the correct procedures of food safety.

1.       Keeping cold food under 45 degrees F. Hot food must be held at 145 degrees F. or above. If this criteria isn't meet, bacteria will multiply at a fast rate. A easy way to keep track of this is having a temperature log in the freezer, cooler and hot holding areas. Make sure to have the thermometer correctly calibrated and functioning correctly.
2.       The proper use for gloves  is also important, washing your hands before and after you use them to reduce the risk of spreading any type of bacteria. You can never wash all the bacteria from your hands and when you use gloves your hands sweat, causing bacteria to multiply at a fast rate. However washing your hands and using gloves reduces the risk of bacteria multiplying.
3.       The staff personal hygiene is important. Employees with cuts, abrasions, dirty fingernails, skin diseases should not be handling food for any reason. Any sick employee handling food will only cause for more bacteria to spread and grow, creating the potential risk of infecting other staff or your customers. Providing your staff with a medical plan can be a wise investment by eliminating this risk.
4.       Fruits and vegetables must be washed and never stored in boxes or bags or on the floor. water sources must be safe and at the correct temperature to reduce bacteria growth.
5.       Eliminating the risk of potential pest and keeping it under control. Rodents and insects can spread diseases that can contaminate the food. Keeping trash cans under checked for pests can help, keep lids on and wash them constantly. 
6.       They need to understand that the success of the restaurant goes hand in hand with their income, if the restaurant does well their salary to, however if the restaurant excels their salary will increment. 

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