Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Friday, November 7, 2014

Rote learning vs. critical thinking

As the extraordinary Greek historian and biographer, Plutarch, once said: “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.”

In essence, what we can take away from this inspiring quote is that the value of a true education isn’t rote-learning and regurgitation, but rather acquiring the tools to be able to think for oneself.

Critical thinking skills have gained more prominence in recent decades. Gone are the days where schoolchildren must “learn” to memorize important dates, facts, and figures without being given the opportunity to reflect on why those dates, facts, and figures are important (or why society thinks they are important). 

Critical thinking is an important skill that can be used in all areas of life, not just within the sphere of education. In order to be a well-adjusted and emotionally resilient human being, critical thinking is important. It allows someone to consider not only how they’re feeling, but why they’re feeling a certain way about a certain incident or situation.

For children (and adults) of all ages, developing their critical thinking skills is crucial if they want to lead a satisfying and successful life. Not only that, critical thinking will greatly help them in their school years, as they will be dynamic thinkers who can engage with a topic in a new way and come up with answers that perhaps no one else in the class has thought of.

If you’re looking for a great private tutor to help your child develop the skills they need to succeed at school as well as in life, then look no further than Big Apple Tutoring. With nearly two decades in the academic tutoring services industry, Big Apple Tutoring is a veritable leader in teaching children how to develop their critical thinking skills.

Its team of highly accomplished, talented, and compassionate tutors has honed their tutoring abilities and will inspire in your child an intense curiosity for learning more about the world around them as well as about themselves.

Big Apple Tutoring takes pride in matching the right tutor to the right child, and never puts profit before a quality service that suits your individual needs.

Big Apple Tutoring’s academic tutoring services NYC include:

home tutoring NYC

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Art of Reciprocal Learning

Pedagogy, or the art of education, has come a long way over the centuries, and particularly so in the past several decades. No longer is it the accepted norm that teachers stand at the front of the classroom, with their castigating instrument-of-choice in hand, and didactically instilling in the students what they “must” learn. Out of an era where classrooms were a dreary and disciplined environment, there has blossomed new and progressive education theories that focus on empowering the individual learner.

One such example is reciprocal learning, whereby the person in the role of “educator” acknowledges that they too can learn from the student, rather than it being a “one-way street.” Indeed, we never stop learning and that’s one of the beauties of being alive. Reciprocal learning ensures the student’s contribution is valued so that they feel like they are participating in their education rather than being a docile knowledge receptacle.

As far away as New Zealand, new pedagogical theories highlighting the value of reciprocal learning have taken root. In fact, the New Zealand education system has keenly embraced the wisdom of indigenous, in this case Maori, education theories with the concept of “ako.”

Ako means to both “teach” and “learn.” At its core, ako recognizes that both the educator and the learner have valuable knowledge that they can contribute, allowing for a more inclusive learning process.

Ako also acknowledges that whanau (the Maori word for “family”) cannot be excluded from the equation. After all, a child’s background greatly informs what they learn and indeed the way in which they learn.

At Big Apple Tutoring, one of the best academic tutoring services Manhattan has to offer, they too understand that a student’s family is an important part of their learning process. That’s why their “private tutor Manhattan” service brings together the student and the family to develop the most comprehensive strategy to target the student’s individual needs and excel with their one on one tutor Manhattan services.

Indeed, private tutoring is a two-way street where the private tutor is constantly researching the most effective and cutting-edge ways to educate their student, and through interacting with the student, the one on one tutor  learns how best to proceed in an inclusive learning environment where reciprocal learning is at the forefront.

Big Apple Tutoring’s world class private academic tutoring services include:

One on one tutor Manhattan

Monday, September 29, 2014

Is your child being sufficiently academically challenged in school?

Nowadays, many parents in New York City employ a one-on-one tutor Manhattan not because their child is struggling and has poor grades, but rather to encourage and accelerate their lust for learning. While some children are capable of motivating themselves, most tend to stay within their comfort zone when they’re not being challenged within the classroom, thus causing their academic curiosity and potential to stagnate.

private tutoring services NYC

Your child may need the guidance of private tutoring services NYC to really bring out their full academic potential.

Have you noticed a lack of enthusiasm in your child lately? While lack of enthusiasm may mean your child is struggling with a subject, it may also mean they are not being stimulated by the material and are bored. By disusing your child’s behavior and academic progress with their teacher, you will be able to gauge whether it is the former or the latter that is causing this lack of interest in school. A private tutorManhattan can provide sufficiently challenging material to renew your child’s interest in learning and push them to become a lifelong learner.

Aside from the academic challenges, you may also need to encourage your child to explore extracurricular activities, from sports to student organizations to arts programs like music or drama. Taking part in a social or sports club is one of the best ways for your child to connect with like-minded students and form a strong bond with children that can intellectually challenge one another.  

Returning to the question of the academic challenges your child needs in order to grow. Big Apple Tutoring, one of the leading private tutoring services in NYC, offers engaging, compelling, and challenging academic tutoring services that are guaranteed to captivate any young mind.

Big Apple Tutoring’s Director Daniel C. Levine hand picks his close-knit group of experienced, highly sought-after private tutors who have impeccable credentials from the finest universities. Even more importantly, though, is that Big Apple’s tutors absolutely love to teach and are eager to share that passion with your child. With the help of a talented one-on-oneprivate tutor Manhattan, your child will no doubt free themselves of their academic boredom and plunge into their scholarly pursuits with renewed vigor.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Making the Move to High School

Few childhood transitions are more jarring than moving from middle school into high school. This is a crucial period when students feel the weight of expectations to perform well academically, even as they struggle to fit in socially.

Here are some tips to help your student experience a smooth transition:

  • Hold Her Hand -- from a Distance: As they experience more independence, many ninth graders reject parental supervision -- even when they secretly wish for help. Parents can offer support when it appears to be needed while maintaining a respectful space for their children to grow and make their own mistakes. Knowing you're there to catch her if she falls might be just what your child needs to venture out on her own.
  • Familiarity Breeds Comfort: Before the academic year starts, guide your child through her big, unfamiliar new high school. Many schools offer useful orientation sessions. Before the first day, escort her to her classrooms and get to know her teachers. Walking into high school with a sense of where she's going and what she can look forward to may ease a lot of her jitters.
  • More than School: Encourage your child to explore extracurricular activities, from sports to student organizations to arts programs like music or drama. Joining a club is the easiest way to connect with like-minded students and may help her form a support system through the often-tumultuous years ahead. In addition, these activities will look great on a college resume.

tutoring services

One of the best ways to help your student adjust to high school is to offer extra academic assistance. Big Apple Tutoring has tutoring services to suit the needs of every student, from one-time exam preparations or assistance with a report, to ongoing weekly tutoring sessions.

Our tutoring services are provided by highly-sought-after tutors who are well-trained and experienced, with impeccable credentials from the finest universities. In addition, they love to teach and are eager to share that passion with the students they help.

If your child is experiencing a rough transition into high school, we can help. Contact Big Apple Tutoring now to decide which of our tutoring services is best for your child.