Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Make the best out of your trip to Tampa with Wheelers

Exciting experiences for the whole family!
Lovely weather and diversity make of Tampa a great place to visit in your trip to Florida.


A wide variety of restaurants and cafes, beautiful sights, an exciting nightlife and plenty of activities for everyone are just a few of the things this vibrant city has to offer. And you can enjoy all of it with the safety and comfort that Wheelers of Tampa has for you!
Visit Tampa and enjoy the Florida Aquarium, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, the Straz Center for the Performing Arts or the Lowry Park Zoo. Spend some quality time with your family at Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park or visit the Tampa Bay History Center and the recently open Tampa Museum of Art.
If you want more information about things to do in Tampa, check the official Tampa event calendar and Book a wheelchair van with us so you won’t miss the fun!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Why Proactive Maintenance Is Important For Your IT System

Do you remember when you first bought your current computer? It seemed invincible didn’t it? It was fast, responsive, and better than what you had before. You figured, ‘Just so long as I don’t download anything from unknown sources, there’s no reason why my computer shouldn’t continue to operate as good as new.’ It’s all too easy to fall into this mentality, and to then watch your computer slowly but surely disintegrate into a virtually nonfunctional piece of metal. Sooner or later, you always end up going back to the store to buy another one. And so goes the ongoing cycle, costing time, money, and resources.

Of course, the process is gradual enough that you may not notice it at first. Little by little, applications start opening a bit slower. Maybe it freezes every so often. In most cases, all that needs to be done is to simply close the application and reopen it, or in more serious cases, you can just restart the computer and it goes back to normal, sort of. But not really. Usually there is a reason why your computer is not acting as it once did. And that reason is quite likely because your computer has not been properly maintained.

And moreover, the longer you go without updating your computer, the more likely you are to experience more serious problems that are not so easily remedied by a simple reboot. What happens when your files disappear, or when your Internet simply stops working, preventing you from doing your job? How do you really know you don’t have a virus, when you are not even using the latest available operating system? Whatever anti-virus system your computer came with when you bought grows increasingly less useful with time. So if your computer is out of date, starts acting funny, eventually to a debilitating degree, now you know why.

The fact of the matter is that this does not have to be your reality. Simply by monitoring every few weeks what updates are available, for anti-virus, operating systems, and other security patches, you could save yourself immeasurable amounts of downtime and costly system failures. Not to mention that if a problem does appear despite your proactivity, it will be a hundred times easier to pinpoint and fix the problem than it would be if you neglect to keep your device up to date.

Proactive maintenance is the easy and cheap way to keep your computer running as it should. The hard way is waiting around for it to crash, at which point you’ll probably lose all of your files and have to start from scratch, costing you thousands in the long run.

No more procrastinating. Taking some time out of your day to backup all of your data onto an external hard drive and then updating your computer is the right thing to do. If you think it’s already too late, or if you just need some guidance on how exactly to get your computer full up to speed with all the latest updates, you can contact E-Valve Technologies, which is one of the best IT consulting services in NYC. They will make everything simple and easy to understand.

E-Valve Tech can be reached at (646)-564-3636, or you can click here to shoot them a message.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

How To Recognize Bladder Cancer Early

Because bladder cancer is not as much a part of public discourse as are some other forms of cancer, many people do not realize that it is in fact a highly common disease in the United States. It is the fifth most common form of cancer for men and the eighth most common for women, affecting some 70,000 people every year.

It is most common among patients over the age of 55, especially smokers. Caucasian people are more likely to get it than any other race. So if you’re white, entering the middle aged years of your life and are still putting down several cigarettes a day, you should probably take some precautions.

That said, treating it in its early stages can make all the difference in the world. There are over half a million bladder cancer survivors living in the United States today. For these reasons it would serve you well to read up on how to recognize it so you can address it before it becomes a serious problem.

Bladder cancer symptoms
If you’ve noticed any blood in your urine, regardless of whether it’s a lot or a little, you may be experiencing the early stages of bladder cancer. If you have any pain while urinating, or if you have an inconsistent stream, you may be showing signs of bladder cancer. Also, any pelvic pain could also be an early indicator.

Mind you that all of these symptoms could also be signs of other problems, such as a UTI, bladder stones, or, for men, problems with the prostate. So if you are experiencing any discomfort at all, the best thing to do is to see a urologist in New York City who can tell you exactly what the problem is. Moreover, it is more often than not that bladder cancer does not show any symptoms in its earliest stages, meaning it is your responsibility to monitor your body as closely as possible. Again, the best way of doing this is to keep in contact with your urologist as much as he or she recommends.

How to prevent bladder cancer
The leading cause of bladder cancer is smoking. So above all, the best thing you can do for your body is to quit. This applies in many more ways than one. Smoking is pretty much bad for everything and anything related to physical and mental health. The chemicals in cigarettes get absorbed into your blood, pass through your kidneys and finally end up in your urine, which is stored in your bladder. The more you smoke, the more damage you are doing to your bladder. Compound that over enough years, and you will be increasing the chances of paying the price tenfold.

If you have some concerns about the state of your bladder or have any other urological issues that you would like to have addressed, you can contact the Luzato Medical Group in New York City at any time by calling (212) 661-7003, or feel free to email them any time to set up an appointment.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Have Guests this Holiday Season? Bring Them to The Brindle Room For Brunch

For those of us living in New York City the holiday season brings about a numerous amount of house guests.  While many will take to cooking home-made meals the majority of us will be taking out our guests to eat. 

If you find yourself looking for a cozy place where the pricing is just right you may consider visiting the Brindle Room at 277 East 10th street in the East Village.   With their wide variety of brunch items there is something for everyone’s taste.


The star of the brunch menu would have to be the “Sebastian Steak Burger”.  Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock you have heard of the great popularity this burger has obtained in NYC.  Made with dry aged beef that comes from the deckle found on the rib eye, The Brindle Room burger is chock full of flavor.  Perfectly seared in a cast iron skillet and served up with caramelized onions and gooey American cheese this burger will make your Saturday or Sunday brunch memorable. 


A southern classic, The kitchen staff at the Brindle Room has nailed this dish.  This is a knock out dish especially with the winter season upon us.  Come in out of the cold and try a creamy cheesy polenta with buttered garlic shrimps poured over it, If that’s not enough these shrimp and grits are served up some poached eggs.


If you have more of a sweet tooth then you may consider ordering the French Toast.  Made with Challah bread this French toast is soaked in a tasty mix of eggs, milk, sugar and spices.  It is then topped off with some fresh fruit, caramelized bananas and a dollop of nutella. 


If you’re looking for something a bit more exotic you’re in for a treat.  The Brindle Room makes the best Shakshuka ( a dish that hails from the middle east)you will find in the city.  Eggs are baked a cast iron skillet which contains a specially spiced tomato sauce, fresh scallions and feta cheese. 
If you’re looking for something with a little bit less zest you may consider the Frittata.  The brindle room keeps it fresh changing up the ingredients that go into their frittata every few weeks.  Both these dishes are served up with grilled Peasant bread. 

You’ll find some American classics as well as some international dishes at Brindle Room’s brunch.  To check out their full brunch menu click here

If you’re interested in having the Brindle Room Cater one of your events feel free to contact them at info@brindleroomcatering.com for more information on the following services: 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How And Why Septic Maintenance Will Save You Money In The Long Run

Maintenance is cumbersome and it seems expensive at the time, especially when there aren’t any glaring problems. But, as is the case with most things in life, the more you keep up with your septic tank maintenance, the less headache you will have later. And anyway, of all things you want to be giving you a headache, septic tanks should go pretty close to the bottom of that list. Keep in mind that your tank works all day every day for years on end. With anything that works this much, maintenance is always the key to longevity. Keep your eyes out and your tank could last you 10 to 15 years without needing to be replaced.

You don’t have to clean it out every month, or even every year. But if you don’t pump your septic tank every two to three years, you will pay the consequences in due time. This entails hiring a professional septic tank pumper who has been licensed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to inspect, pump out, and measure layers of the tank. Keep in mind how frequently a septic tank is used, especially if you are living with several people. Anything that’s used with such frequency will see some wear and tear. However, all you need to do to prevent that is keep an eye on it and make sure it passes inspection.

Below are the measures you must take to prevent a crisis in the future:

Pump out the tank regularly and document the timing so you can keep track. By keeping a record, you’ll also be able to notice sooner whether there is a leak. The sooner you notice that something is clogged, the less of an issue it will be to fix it.

Know where everything is. A septic system, also referred to as an onsite wastewater system (OWTS), consists of six separate parts: the house sewer drain, the septic tank, the distribution box, the trenches, the absorption field, and the vent. If you can map out the location of each of the different components, you will have a much easier time monitoring them over time. Again, the closer you monitor, the easier your life will be down the stretch.

Be conscious of the weight you’re putting on top of it. In general, if your tank is located beneath a driveway or parking lot, you will probably have some problems at one point or another. But in any case, you can put it off as much as possible by avoiding parking on top of it. Heavy objects will damage the structure, which is an issue that builds up over time. If possible, park in the garage or on the street if this is the case. Either that, or deal with the consequences.

Plant grass over the tank. As we mentioned above, parking cars over your tanks is a bad idea. The better route, if possible, is for the tank to be located in a field of sorts. This will prevent you from parking heavy cars or trucks on top of it, and will also allow for some absorption in the soil. However, make sure not to plant anything with particularly long roots, like trees, as they could grow long enough to cause damage to the tank’s structure.
Don’t forget about it. Put septic tank maintenance on your calendar right now, before you forget. It’s out of sight and easy to put off for an eternity. If you make sure it is something that absolutely has to be done on a specific date, it will be easier to actually make it happen when it should.

Haven’t you put this off enough? Is it really worth it to have to pay for a new one, which would cost you anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000, all because you were too apathetic towards addressing the issue ahead of time? Need some septic maintenance in the Lagrange, NY area? Contact Jones Septic with whichever septic tank related comments or questions, or feel free to set up an appointment any time for an inspection or other repairs.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

How To Recognize Male Voiding Dysfunction And What To Do About It

As we get older, wiser, better looking, and more successful, we also develop certain burdens we never had to worry about as younger men. As the years fly by, certain things just stop working as they should. We’re speaking, of course, about the sudden difficulty to relieve ourselves. That includes voiding too much, too little, or sporadically without a steady stream. You could either be having storage or release issues. You also may be having problems fully emptying the bladder, which explains why you find yourself having to go a second and sometime even a third time in very short intervals.
But whatever the case, don’t worry, because you are not alone. The best thing that you can do is understand how and why it’s happening, so as to better understand what you can do to control it. Here are a few pointers to help explain your symptoms and the treatment you could be getting from a quality urology doctor in Manhattan.

There are a number of possible reasons why you have been struggling to urinate. Most likely it is a mixture of several of them. First and foremost, virtually all middle-aged men develop a benign enlargement of the prostate, which is the result of changes in your hormone balance and cell growth.

You also, rather likely, are experiencing certain changes in your bladder and the hormonal milieu that is released by your brain. Whatever the issue, it most certainly leads back to the bladder. So here are some details to consider about the different kinds of bladder symptoms you may be experiencing.

There are two kinds of bladder symptoms: Obstructive and irritative. Obstructive symptoms principally are coming from your enlarged prostate. However, there is also the possibility that you are having other bladder abnormalities, such as built up exposure to testosterone and inflammation. Moreover, there’s also that thing that none of can escape, and that’s bad genes. That’s why it’s in your best interest to see a doctor regularly, and to get familiar with your family history.

Irritative symptoms come from excessive use of the bladder. When the prostate is too large and is putting pressure on the bladder, forcing you to go more often than you should. As mentioned, you probably have a mixture of several sources causing your discomfort, since after all, everything is connected. So when this happens, it causes additional irritation and discomfort. There’s also the factor of additional abnormalities of the bladder, such as bladder stones or bladder cancer. When you have irritative symptoms, which means you have to go very frequently in small volumes and it always seems to feel like an emergency.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it would serve you well to speak to a urologist who can give you the proper treatment that you deserve, so that you can enjoy your day instead of feeling constantly distracted by discomfort. And in any case, the discomfort aside, male voiding dysfunction, in some cases, could be indications of much more serious illnesses. Better to be safe than sorry. So stop wasting time. If you’re interested in seeing a urology doctor in Manhattan, you’ve come to the right place. Feel free to call the Luzato Medical Group at 212-661-7003, or email them any time to make an appointment.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Choosing Suitable Fence Materials

It’s time to get moving and build a fence to compliment your yard. But don’t rush into anything. Before spending any money, you must first consider why it is you’re building this fence in the first place. Are you building it for privacy/noise reduction? You’ll probably need something solid. Is it strictly utilitarian? Then you should go chain link. Decoration? Stop right there and let us help you weight out your priorities. Here’s a list of fence materials and some reasons for why and why not to buy them.

The price is right and it has extensive aesthetic value in that you can paint it whichever color you please. Despite it being perhaps the least durable, requiring the most amount of maintenance, wood nonetheless tends to be a favorite amongst buyers, largely due to its low cost. A wood fence won’t last you forever, which means you may end up spending more money in the long run. But it will give your yard a nice and homey farm-like feel to it. Briarcliff FenceCompany can provide you with the exact style you’re looking for at an affordable cost.

Unlike wood, steel’s greatest strength is its durability. Moreover, it’s easily installed and requires little maintenance. But also, unlike steel, it’s not the most pleasing material to look at. A steel fence can give off the impression of high security, which, depending on your preference, can be a good or a bad thing. On the one hand, it will keep out trespassers, while on the other it may also keep out guests.

Those interested in finding a balance between longevity and aestheticism can stop looking now. It requires minimal upkeep while maintaining a classy appearance. The only setbacks are that it’s a bit pricey and cannot be painted, meaning that when compared to wood, you have less control over the way in which it compliments your yard. That said, its durability outweighs the hefty price because it will not have to be replaced for many years. And regarding its appearance, although it can’t be painted, jet black goes well with mostly any style yard you have.

It is the most utilitarian of all fence styles. It is great for anyone with a sizable yard and a dog. They’re also quite inexpensive, which is as much a strength as it is a weakness since they look as inexpensive as they really are. The greatest drawback is its appearance. Compared to most other styles of fences, chain-link fences are not doing anything special for your yard’s décor. Also, unless it is coated in vinyl, chain-link fences will rust over time, requiring further maintenance and eventually requiring replacement.

No matter the yard, no matter the budget, Briarcliff FenceCompany has every kind of fence of your heart's desire. Aluminum, vinyl, wood, and many many more. Give your home a bit more personality with the right style fence.