Saturday, November 7, 2015

How To Recognize Male Voiding Dysfunction And What To Do About It

As we get older, wiser, better looking, and more successful, we also develop certain burdens we never had to worry about as younger men. As the years fly by, certain things just stop working as they should. We’re speaking, of course, about the sudden difficulty to relieve ourselves. That includes voiding too much, too little, or sporadically without a steady stream. You could either be having storage or release issues. You also may be having problems fully emptying the bladder, which explains why you find yourself having to go a second and sometime even a third time in very short intervals.
But whatever the case, don’t worry, because you are not alone. The best thing that you can do is understand how and why it’s happening, so as to better understand what you can do to control it. Here are a few pointers to help explain your symptoms and the treatment you could be getting from a quality urology doctor in Manhattan.

There are a number of possible reasons why you have been struggling to urinate. Most likely it is a mixture of several of them. First and foremost, virtually all middle-aged men develop a benign enlargement of the prostate, which is the result of changes in your hormone balance and cell growth.

You also, rather likely, are experiencing certain changes in your bladder and the hormonal milieu that is released by your brain. Whatever the issue, it most certainly leads back to the bladder. So here are some details to consider about the different kinds of bladder symptoms you may be experiencing.

There are two kinds of bladder symptoms: Obstructive and irritative. Obstructive symptoms principally are coming from your enlarged prostate. However, there is also the possibility that you are having other bladder abnormalities, such as built up exposure to testosterone and inflammation. Moreover, there’s also that thing that none of can escape, and that’s bad genes. That’s why it’s in your best interest to see a doctor regularly, and to get familiar with your family history.

Irritative symptoms come from excessive use of the bladder. When the prostate is too large and is putting pressure on the bladder, forcing you to go more often than you should. As mentioned, you probably have a mixture of several sources causing your discomfort, since after all, everything is connected. So when this happens, it causes additional irritation and discomfort. There’s also the factor of additional abnormalities of the bladder, such as bladder stones or bladder cancer. When you have irritative symptoms, which means you have to go very frequently in small volumes and it always seems to feel like an emergency.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it would serve you well to speak to a urologist who can give you the proper treatment that you deserve, so that you can enjoy your day instead of feeling constantly distracted by discomfort. And in any case, the discomfort aside, male voiding dysfunction, in some cases, could be indications of much more serious illnesses. Better to be safe than sorry. So stop wasting time. If you’re interested in seeing a urology doctor in Manhattan, you’ve come to the right place. Feel free to call the Luzato Medical Group at 212-661-7003, or email them any time to make an appointment.

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