Friday, November 27, 2015

Why Proactive Maintenance Is Important For Your IT System

Do you remember when you first bought your current computer? It seemed invincible didn’t it? It was fast, responsive, and better than what you had before. You figured, ‘Just so long as I don’t download anything from unknown sources, there’s no reason why my computer shouldn’t continue to operate as good as new.’ It’s all too easy to fall into this mentality, and to then watch your computer slowly but surely disintegrate into a virtually nonfunctional piece of metal. Sooner or later, you always end up going back to the store to buy another one. And so goes the ongoing cycle, costing time, money, and resources.

Of course, the process is gradual enough that you may not notice it at first. Little by little, applications start opening a bit slower. Maybe it freezes every so often. In most cases, all that needs to be done is to simply close the application and reopen it, or in more serious cases, you can just restart the computer and it goes back to normal, sort of. But not really. Usually there is a reason why your computer is not acting as it once did. And that reason is quite likely because your computer has not been properly maintained.

And moreover, the longer you go without updating your computer, the more likely you are to experience more serious problems that are not so easily remedied by a simple reboot. What happens when your files disappear, or when your Internet simply stops working, preventing you from doing your job? How do you really know you don’t have a virus, when you are not even using the latest available operating system? Whatever anti-virus system your computer came with when you bought grows increasingly less useful with time. So if your computer is out of date, starts acting funny, eventually to a debilitating degree, now you know why.

The fact of the matter is that this does not have to be your reality. Simply by monitoring every few weeks what updates are available, for anti-virus, operating systems, and other security patches, you could save yourself immeasurable amounts of downtime and costly system failures. Not to mention that if a problem does appear despite your proactivity, it will be a hundred times easier to pinpoint and fix the problem than it would be if you neglect to keep your device up to date.

Proactive maintenance is the easy and cheap way to keep your computer running as it should. The hard way is waiting around for it to crash, at which point you’ll probably lose all of your files and have to start from scratch, costing you thousands in the long run.

No more procrastinating. Taking some time out of your day to backup all of your data onto an external hard drive and then updating your computer is the right thing to do. If you think it’s already too late, or if you just need some guidance on how exactly to get your computer full up to speed with all the latest updates, you can contact E-Valve Technologies, which is one of the best IT consulting services in NYC. They will make everything simple and easy to understand.

E-Valve Tech can be reached at (646)-564-3636, or you can click here to shoot them a message.

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