Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Choosing Suitable Fence Materials

It’s time to get moving and build a fence to compliment your yard. But don’t rush into anything. Before spending any money, you must first consider why it is you’re building this fence in the first place. Are you building it for privacy/noise reduction? You’ll probably need something solid. Is it strictly utilitarian? Then you should go chain link. Decoration? Stop right there and let us help you weight out your priorities. Here’s a list of fence materials and some reasons for why and why not to buy them.

The price is right and it has extensive aesthetic value in that you can paint it whichever color you please. Despite it being perhaps the least durable, requiring the most amount of maintenance, wood nonetheless tends to be a favorite amongst buyers, largely due to its low cost. A wood fence won’t last you forever, which means you may end up spending more money in the long run. But it will give your yard a nice and homey farm-like feel to it. Briarcliff FenceCompany can provide you with the exact style you’re looking for at an affordable cost.

Unlike wood, steel’s greatest strength is its durability. Moreover, it’s easily installed and requires little maintenance. But also, unlike steel, it’s not the most pleasing material to look at. A steel fence can give off the impression of high security, which, depending on your preference, can be a good or a bad thing. On the one hand, it will keep out trespassers, while on the other it may also keep out guests.

Those interested in finding a balance between longevity and aestheticism can stop looking now. It requires minimal upkeep while maintaining a classy appearance. The only setbacks are that it’s a bit pricey and cannot be painted, meaning that when compared to wood, you have less control over the way in which it compliments your yard. That said, its durability outweighs the hefty price because it will not have to be replaced for many years. And regarding its appearance, although it can’t be painted, jet black goes well with mostly any style yard you have.

It is the most utilitarian of all fence styles. It is great for anyone with a sizable yard and a dog. They’re also quite inexpensive, which is as much a strength as it is a weakness since they look as inexpensive as they really are. The greatest drawback is its appearance. Compared to most other styles of fences, chain-link fences are not doing anything special for your yard’s décor. Also, unless it is coated in vinyl, chain-link fences will rust over time, requiring further maintenance and eventually requiring replacement.

No matter the yard, no matter the budget, Briarcliff FenceCompany has every kind of fence of your heart's desire. Aluminum, vinyl, wood, and many many more. Give your home a bit more personality with the right style fence.

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