Friday, November 7, 2014

Rote learning vs. critical thinking

As the extraordinary Greek historian and biographer, Plutarch, once said: “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.”

In essence, what we can take away from this inspiring quote is that the value of a true education isn’t rote-learning and regurgitation, but rather acquiring the tools to be able to think for oneself.

Critical thinking skills have gained more prominence in recent decades. Gone are the days where schoolchildren must “learn” to memorize important dates, facts, and figures without being given the opportunity to reflect on why those dates, facts, and figures are important (or why society thinks they are important). 

Critical thinking is an important skill that can be used in all areas of life, not just within the sphere of education. In order to be a well-adjusted and emotionally resilient human being, critical thinking is important. It allows someone to consider not only how they’re feeling, but why they’re feeling a certain way about a certain incident or situation.

For children (and adults) of all ages, developing their critical thinking skills is crucial if they want to lead a satisfying and successful life. Not only that, critical thinking will greatly help them in their school years, as they will be dynamic thinkers who can engage with a topic in a new way and come up with answers that perhaps no one else in the class has thought of.

If you’re looking for a great private tutor to help your child develop the skills they need to succeed at school as well as in life, then look no further than Big Apple Tutoring. With nearly two decades in the academic tutoring services industry, Big Apple Tutoring is a veritable leader in teaching children how to develop their critical thinking skills.

Its team of highly accomplished, talented, and compassionate tutors has honed their tutoring abilities and will inspire in your child an intense curiosity for learning more about the world around them as well as about themselves.

Big Apple Tutoring takes pride in matching the right tutor to the right child, and never puts profit before a quality service that suits your individual needs.

Big Apple Tutoring’s academic tutoring services NYC include:

home tutoring NYC

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