Monday, April 6, 2015

Developing critical thinking skills in children

Critical thinking is defined as disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, complex, and informed by evidence. Critical thinking skills elevate thinking beyond mere memorization. Critical thinking skills involve analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Parents can help develop critical thinking skills in their kids by employing a few methods.

Ask open-ended questions
Ask your kids questions that don’t have one single answer. This will encourage creativity and deeper thinking. Open-ended questions have the purpose of   providing kids with the opportunity to provide new ideas and insights while expressing their thoughts and feelings on a subject without being afraid of giving the wrong answer, because there is no right or wrong answer with open-ended questions.

Teach children to be problem-solvers
 Instead of solving all problems for children, respond with open-ended questions and sufficient information to help them solve the problem, but not so much that it will solve the problem. Encourage children to view themselves as problem-solvers capable of thinking on their own.

Ask lots of questions during everyday activities and play time
Ask your child “how” and “why” questions that get the child’s mind working. This also lets the child know that you value his opinions and thoughts. You can use questions such as “why does it rain?” or “why do trees’ leaves change color?”

Encourage your child to explore in creative ways
Play with sand, build something using Legos, or take a walk in the park. Exploring new places and things can help children figure out how things work and make logical connections.

Notice patterns
When children begin to make logical connections, they start noticing patterns. Being able to notice patterns is a mark of critical thinking and analysis.

Help children make decisions themselves
Children should have the ability to choose what is right and what is wrong. When they make a decision, ask them why they made that decision.

Categorize and classify information
When children classify information, their critical thinking skills are sharpened because they are required to organize ideas and information according to pre-defined rules. When children learn this important strategy, they will be able to identify information properly, discover new ideas, and later apply them in their everyday life.

These are just a few methods you can use to improve your child’s critical thinking skills. If you really want to boost your child’s critical thinking skills, a professional tutor is recommended. Big Apple, Manhattan’s most renowned tutoring company provides professional tutoring that is sure to get you the best results possible. A few of the services Big Apple offers are private tutoring NYCacademic tutoring NYC, and private tutoring Manhattan.

1 comment:

  1. This post on Critical thinking is really great. I loved reading it. In fact we should work on developing Critical thinking skills in our company employees. I use team building activities for this. In the next month I will be hosting company Christmas party and will add team building activities too in the party. I wonder if you could suggest some interesting company holiday party ideas!!
