Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Five Stages of Hair Loss Men Go Through

It might seem like pure nonsense to some but the loss of hair is a major deal for many men and women.  Just like any loss there are stages of mourning that one takes.  It’s interesting how similar these stages are to a death.  At the end of the day I guess we can chalk Hair loss up as a death.  It is the loss of a very important part of our lives.  Losing your hair can be like losing a friend, one that has been there since birth. 

Of the 5 stages the first is:


 Every morning you see more and more hair accumulate around your drain, or you see more in your hairbrush.  With all these signs you still refuse to accept the simple fact that you are going bald.  You might tell yourself things like oh I’m shedding my winter coat, or you might just shrug it off as temporary seeing that you have been so stressed lately.  The fact is if you are losing more than 100 hairs a day chances are you are going bald.  You might be good at lying to yourself but people around you will be to bring up your recent hair loss. 


You might find yourself upset at others.  Questions like “Why does John get to keep his hair when all he gets is crew cuts? might start popping up in your head.  You won’t be able to watch shampoo commercials that same anymore either.  Don’t worry this is a normal stage of hair loss to go through. Hopefully at this point you are starting to see the light that there are options out there for hair loss like Nettle for hair loss shampoo which derives from all natural ingredients. 


It is at this point where you might find yourself trying to strike up a deal with a higher power in an attempt to postpone the inevitable.  Maybe you’ll promise to stop wearing hats for the rest of your life if you can stop losing your hair.  Your best bet is to try a all natural product like Nettle for hair loss shampoo. 


You might soon find yourself not wanting to leave your home for fear that people will be mocking you behind your back.  Relax, baldness is a very common condition and nothing to be ashamed of.  So don’t throw on your sweatpants just yet and get on out there. 


You have reached the end of the road here.  You have finally come to terms with what is happening.  Hey look at the bright side, baldness is making a come back in our society.  Actors like Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel have made a killing sporting the shaved head look.  So why not take a razor and shave it all off.
Now for most of you sporting a bald head is not an option.  For those cases we recommend using a all natural product like Nettle for hair loss shampoo.  Unlike other products Nettle for hair loss shampoo does not cause more damage to your scalp allowing for the re-growth of new hair follicles. 

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