Thursday, October 1, 2015

Food Safety Importance

Food safety is no laughing matter in any case, in a restaurant, grocery store or even at your own home. Food borne illnesses by improper food handling can be quite dangerous to everyone in a restaurant, not only the customer. Training your employees in the correct way of manipulating food is a key point in your business protection, it only takes one sick customer by your food to lose the trust of all your customers and the possibility of being shut down for a potential court case. The importance of having a set of rules for your employees to ensure  they are using the proper sanitary procedure when handling food, for the protection of each and every one of your customers.

The task of every restaurant owner is to make sure that everyone in his staff is trained in food safety. It may not be the most interesting subject but it is absolutely necessary and it is important that your staff understands it.

The reason why food safety is important to prevent a public health problem. This by itself presents a challenge to both general and at-risk population. Each year, millions of illnesses in the United States can be attributed to contaminated foods. Children and the elderly are the most at risk and it could result extremely dangerous for their health.  Safer food promises healthier an longer life.

 There is more than 250 known foodborne diseases, that can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Some of the more commonly known food borne diseases are:  botulism, campylobacteriosis, E. coli, hepatitis A, norovirus infection, salmonellosis and shigellosis

 The way to stay clear of any of this diseases is to follow correct procedure when handling food and keeping the kitchen clean and risk free. Throw away damaged or rusted cans, properly wash vegetables, be careful of cross contamination, train your staff in the correct way of maintaining the workplace clean and disease free.

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